I ♥ my dumplings!

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Gosh I’m gonna miss them.. although this time unfortunately neither the ang-kak (紅麴) nor the spinach (菠菜) flavors of the skin (cf. this post.) is available.  😦  Still, my dumpling stuffing kicks asses!
(This entry comes with a demonstration video!)

An aside: the reason I never cook for anyone is that my cooking sucks — offering my food is probably more of an insult to my guest rather than a treat.  The exceptions are probably dumplings (水餃, although the skin needs to be purchased from some of those small specialized shops) and leak box (韭菜盒子, which takes an experienced dough-maker like me at least forty minutes to make the dough from scratch).  In the latter case, unfortunately the needed dried tofu 豆乾, green bean noodles 冬粉 and dried shrimplets 蝦米 may not be readily found in the Western world, unfortunately…

6 responses »

  1. 我跟vincent去你家時可有機會嚐嚐你的手藝😁

  2. 自己弄餡包餃子,自己弄的一定比外面好吃得多。

  3. 好想吃賽鴿做的韭菜盒子喔。(淌口水)


    • 我這樣像是會打摺嗎?(應該不算吧?)


  4. 我也要去吃看看


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